Designing your life is bringing awareness to every area and establishing what are your wishes and how your life is going to look into every category. Bringing awareness to every detail is creating the best life, not leaving anything to chance that is filled in “ex officio”. Actually everything is created by your thoughts. And not knowing, not being aware of what are your thoughts, is what creates the miserable moments, stupid details from day to day and the low quality life.
Discovering your beliefs brings out to light the negative programming that is creating the present reality of your life. By bringing awareness to thoughts and observing them, you can change them and direct them towards your new established beliefs that are in your favor.
Your new beliefs can be different and don’t need to be in accordance to what everyone else believes.
You establish what is not working for you, and create new ones that are in your favor of directing and guiding you to living a beautiful life.
Universal laws:
The thought as is is the command.
There is no one but you.
The universe is neutral.
Inspired actions and feeling like you already have it close the gap between the wish and the present moment.
So that you can bring your desires, your beliefs, your thoughts and your actions into alignment.
Because there is a law of attraction and it’s working every moment even if you’re aware of it or not. Because your every thought, every word and every action is asking for something from the Universe/God/Source/Higher Consciousness.
If your desires, your thoughts and your actions are not in alignment, then you cannot succeed.
Defining desires is the first step. You should find out what you want in every area of your life. Then you need to define your beliefs to see if they are in alignment with your desire. If not, your beliefs will block your desires. Set new beliefs. Then you need to think according to the new beliefs that are working in your favor and are aligned to your desires. Every thought and every word you say must be in accordance with your desires. Your actions must also be working towards your desires.
If you want something but then you think you cannot get it, you already blocked it. Then you want it more because you are concentrating on the lack of it. This is not aligned. These are energies that are pulling in opposite directions.
You want love in your life but you think you’re too old if you are passed 30 years old and love is hard to find, good guys are taken, anyone who is available must have a huge problem. Then you are complaining to your best friend that love still hasn’t appeared in your life. These beliefs and the stories you tell are not aligned to your wish. Identifying these beliefs and then redefining them into “love is easy to find at any age, and there are so many compatible people and they are everywhere I go” and then you create the actions that are in alignment like attending events that your loved one would also come to. Choosing a side of the bed to sleep on and let the other one free, leaving room in your closet for your loved one’s clothes… - those are actions in alignment. You are preparing to receive your wish into your live because you are 100% sure you are getting it. And you are not blocking it in any way.
Like the classic example of ordering in a restaurant. You choose something in the menu, and when you are sure of what you want, you give the order to the waiter. The waiter does not judge you if you order something healthy or not, it will bring it to you (the Universe/God is neutral). Then you wait on your order without being frustrated that it doesn’t come, and you don’t go into the kitchen to make sure you get it and even try doing it yourself and start let the staff know by yelling your order again and again while you are there, actually you do everything to block them, trying your best to mess with the process. No.
You are waiting at the table, minding your business. Taking action like remaining seated, going to the bathroom to wash your hands, put a napkin on your shirt, And you prepare for the arrival of your order by sipping on some water, enjoying a conversation with someone or just scrolling on your phone. And you start receiving signs that you are getting your order. The waiter is bringing you drinks. And then a fork and a spoon. Maybe the salt and some oils. And you are sure. You are not doubtful. You are not thinking thoughts that it’s not coming. You are relaxed and prepared to receive it. Think of that state of being when waiting for something you want. 100% certainty. That is confidence at its best. What is not that, it’s not confidence. If it’s less than 100, then it’s doubt. It’s ok to have a moment of doubt, but see it, analyze why it’s there - maybe there’s an old belief that is creeping in, and correct it immediately with the correct thoughts. If doubt is in greater proportion than belief, than you are delaying the arrival as long as you are in this state. The more you delay the arrival, the more doubt creeps in. That is your own trap. Take responsibility for your desires, your beliefs, your thoughts, your actions and CREATE your own life so that when you get to the end of it, you are content.
Life has many areas that need looking into, studied and detailed according to your wishes. If you totally ignore a part of your life, either it will not exist or it will run in line with some old forgotten programs inside of your subconscious mind.
health, fitness, intellect, character, emotional, love, social, parenting, spiritual, financial, career, quality (material things and experiences), overall vision.
If you find another important topic in your life, feel free to add it and work on it with the same pattern. You can apply this at any level of your life, no matter how great or small the concern, like traveling, moving to another country or just adopting a pet.
You are going to work on each, establishing new BELIEFS, what is your best VISION, MOTIVATION and STRATEGY.
Your current beliefs is what makes your life as it is now and are made up by some bad programs that do you no good, and maybe you have some good ones in there too. Look at your life categories now and rate each one with a score from 0 to 100. That gap to reach 100 is made up of the percent of bad thoughts and beliefs that you have. Write them all down. See what needs changing, see what alterations are needed, keep the good ones if you have any, and establish new beliefs that will work in your favor and act in accordance to your vision.
When working on your vision, think outside of your limits. Think as everything were easy to get, that you have all the money in the world, all possible experiences are available.
If you don’t know what to wish for, this will be your first step. Make this the first goal. Say to yourself “I want to find my desires in x category” and options will appear into your life. Linger on it for a few days, connect to your higher self (see how in the SOUL department), look in others people’s lives, search on youtube people that have a personal definition of success. The world is your menu. Look at everything as a possibility for yourself, be inspired and create your own dreams from scratch when inspired and you’ve build your imagination from what there is on this planet.
As a side note, if you ever encountered the feelings of jealousy, look into it, as someone else may have what you want for yourself.
Just start and by walking on the road, you will see what you like or don’t, and you can modify anytime as you figure yourself out. Someone once said: it is easier to steer a moving ship than a sitting one.
Here are three examples, but feel free to create your own time frame:
1. Take a whole weekend and treat it like you were in a meeting. Undisturbed, take breaks every two hours. 8 hours a day. Do all categories in two days.
2. Work on each category for a week leaving time to think, observe your beliefs, do some research on what your desires might be.
3. Set your own time limits for each category. Set a deadline.
Remember to work on it consistently. If you leave too much time in between, it will extend forever. You need to finish at least as a draft all categories. Make this your only project for a while. Nothing is more important than your own life. Figuring out what you want is setting you into a specific direction, and you won’t just float where the waves of life take you. (The waves of life are your unconscious beliefs).
Of coarse, after you finish, updates will be required from time to time, as you need to redesign certain aspects, mark as finished, add new directions, improvements, steps, new ideas etc.
As you work on each category, step by step, you will need to identify all the beliefs that you have in your subconscious programming and determine if they are aligned with your desires or you need to change them.
Write them one by one and you will soon understand why you have the life that you have. It is your own limiting beliefs that have created it. Every belief is formed by repetitive thoughts and thoughts turn into actions. The mind is the software and the brain is the hardware, every thought is a command for the brain that looks for ways to bring it into reality. Read more on the MIND department to understand how it all works together. Also, if you want to deep dive into this, you need to look at Joe Dispenza’s books, website or youtube channel.
Create it with your whole being. Think as you are 80 years old and see what you could have done with your life and you didn’t and now you get to have one more chance. What do you choose to do?
Think in terms of like a hacked game where you have introduced the code for limitless money, sceneries and experiences.
What is your why? Look deep inside and look for meaningful reasons that will keep your fire going. One trick is to ask why you and a certain thing and then for the answer ask why again, and repeat 7 times. It usually brings you to the core motivations.
What is your plan on how to get it?
How can you start today?
Make your deadline and see what you can do, improve, work on. Every day is a progress in your given direction.
After you have made some drafts, rework the categories and refine them, as they come together as a whole. Make the overall vision with the most important aspects from each category.
After each category is done you can start working on it the next days, and bringing it in your awareness and focus. Or, after the whole design is done, you can determine which category is the most important that will bring value to the others as well, increasing the overall quality of your life and spend a few months on that. Bringing one by one into focus, alternating them, or even working on 2-3 at a time, depending how intense they are.
A good practice is to read your life design every day so you remain on track. As the mind tends to forget and rerun old patterns. It will take a while to install new empowering beliefs, habits, traits etc so that your mind will know what the direction is, and to not return to old programming.
Reminding yourself of your life design, powers on the law of attraction, as stating your desires and actively working on them with divine inspiration, will fast-forward them into your life now.
It is not sufficient only to dream about it, you need to define the dream in great detail, feel it as accomplished and take inspired action. This will create a void and the universe cannot stand voids. It will bring it as fast as you allow it to. Read more on the Law of Attraction article from the MIND section on
Check out the program LifeBook on Mindvalley.
©Blending Rainbows 2024.
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