360° Motherhood Evolution


The Mind - The Most Powerful Tool On Earth

That you either learn how to use or it will use you.
It is full of wondering thoughts faster than the speed of light.
It is just like a pikamer that is plugged in, ON, and no one is holding it. It makes all the damages it can, continuously. Becoming aware of it is learning how to hold it into your hands. It will pull, it will shake you, it will try to escape. Observing it is being aware. Being aware is you, your soul. 
It is observing it into your hands, then learning how to control it so you can put it to work with purpose and meaning, bringing value to your life.

The Mind is like a pikamer: Whether you learn to hold it,
or it will drill holes wherever, by itself, continuously, for the rest of your life.

The Mind holds not only the everyday thoughts that run through it by hundreds of thousands a day, but it hold the programming, beliefs, and the character traits which ultimately, together become the ego. It will control you, you being the soul, the observer, the experiencer of this life, if you do not realize its power and take control of it by learning how to. Then steadily and beautifully, you will be the creator of your own life, and not being led by a disarray of subconscious programming that are mostly negative and come from traumas and conflicts and weird societal rules.

The mind has a very good friend that it works together with. It is the BRAIN.
The brain is the foolish friend who does not question what the mind tells him to do and does not care it it’s good or bad. He’s just there for the action. 
The mind is like the software - think of the apps on your phone, and the brain is the actual phone. The phone does not care what kind of apps are installed, it runs them all. The brain is the hardware that takes every thought and turns it into action.

Eg: 1. Think of finding beautiful people and the brain will begin to scan everybody on the street.
2. The moment you decided you have a favorite car you started to see it everywhere, even though before you knew it to be your favorite, it did not exist in your reality because the brain did not show it to you if you never thought of that model. Your thoughts are his command.
3. Think that your kid is bad and the brain will pull images to show you all the situations when your kid was bad and make up scenarios for the future in which your brain seeks all negative possible situations that your kid will mess up.
4. Think of your disagreement with someone and your brain will rerun the scene. It does not know it is not good for you to replay negative situations in your head, it just shows you. On repeat. It triggers feelings in the body and the body then requires that feeling again and your brain repeats it over and over until you decide to think of something else, thus breaking the loop.

Now think of something positive like that you have the greatest partner or kid ever. What does your brain show you? Do this exercise now and observe your brain in action by the command of your thought.

You became so good at being negative and thinking bad thoughts for the past, present and future that you are addicted to it. Your body is chemically addicted to those feelings. The good news is that you can pull in the other direction through daily training. As any practice, it feels clumsy at first, but you get used to it, then you become better at it, until you become an ace. Practice is everything in this life.


The brain is the doing. The thoughts are the being. Your brain works together with the body to do the doing. To transform thoughts into matter.
Everything on this earth started with an idea. Be that light bulbs, planes, furniture, clothes, houses, businesses, useless stuff that we buy every day to complicate our lives. We are extremely creative, as this is our primary power, being the creator itself of all there is. Read more on the SOUL section on blendingrainbows.com
Thoughts come from subconscious programming, from the ego, from our soul, from the higher self, from the body.
The mind is full of thoughts because it’s its job. This is what was created for. It is very hard to shut it up and go against its nature. This is why you find it very hard to practice that kind of meditation where you are trying to clear your head to not have any thoughts passing through. It is possible though, with much practice, to extend the time between the thoughts passing through your mind. At first, they are one after another without any pause in between.
By observing them - letting them come and deciding not to spend any time in any, in that moment, you are becoming the controller. When you become the observer and master of your thoughts, you can begin deciding what to keep, what to change, what is useful, what is not good for you.

Negative vs. positive thoughts
Having mainly negative thoughts has the output of mostly negative experiences. Becoming aware of how many of your thoughts are worth keeping, and how many are good to delete, get rid of or change, will result in an improved life, beginning with the next day you are working on it. Positive thoughts will increase by practice and your feelings associated with them will make you feel better overall. Because thoughts and feelings are a package. Forever together.

The Power of Words

Words are thoughts that are beginning to turn into the physical word of material. 
Words are the spells. It’s called spelling for a reason.
Thoughts are like reading a menu in your head. Words are like giving the command clearly to the universe to bring you what you want. Just like in a restaurant. You are not saying to the waiter: “please don’t bring me a doughnut”, and expect a Caesar salad. You will most likely get a doughnut because the waiter will take it as a joke. The universe will for sure bring you a doughnut.
When talking, anything, in any scenario, say exactly what you want.
Imagine there is no “no” or “not” in the vocabulary. Or any negative word. How would you express what you want?
For example: “I am tired of this mess.” = “I want my house to be clean, every day. I want my kids to keep the floor clean and respect the rules of eating at the table, putting the toys in the basket, etc.” Replace any complaint with what you actually want. Not only will your kids hear and will eventually get in their heads as a programming, but you say it as a prayer for the universe, and for your brain to focus on how to do that. 
At least try to say the positive more than the negative to turn the balance on your favor. But the percent of positive words equals the percent of positive experiences in your life.
Pay attention to the words that come out of you when swearing or when angry. ‘Cause those words also create experiences as you are repeating them every so often.


Beliefs come from what others have repeated to you, from your programming, or from society.

Programs override beliefs. 

Eg.: you might know that hitting is bad, but because you were hit as a kid, your program says that you can hit smaller people no matter what because their feelings or mistakes don’t matter. It is what it is.

Eg.: You want kids and you believe that you can conceive and then you try to make a baby and are disappointed that it does’t happen. Your programmed installed by your own mother when you were a little girl by repeating to you the words: “you are a bad kid and I hope you never procreate such horrible people like yourself”, will prevent you from conceiving and you might not even remember those words that installed that program in your subconscious and you will look for external solutions or blaming your body.


Programs come mostly from our childhoods. From there, we got the foundation on which we run our lives on. 
Every sock, trauma, conflict, any experience, good and bad are the ones that write the programs.
Also, our parents and society with the repeated beliefs that we hear over and over again that we come to believe 100%.
We don’t question our programs when we aren’t awake. Most people run them automatically, that is why you are, most times, feeling like talking to the walls. You cannot help people or change their opinions. They must be in the awake state and look to change themselves. And when they are in the awake state they have already helped themselves. We can only rewrite our mind ourselves. And that must be a personal choice. The others are just reminders or influencers in our path.


Repeated thoughts turn into Beliefs that turn into subconscious programming.
We have there all sorts of “installed apps” that run our lives.
Being unaware of what they are, or even worse, seeing some of them, but choosing to BE them, to mistake ourselves with what has become the ego, is life wreaking.
The ego is the character that lives within our minds as the autopilot that runs everything when the soul is not there. It has good traits, and bad ones, and takes its reactions from the beliefs and programming installed.
We must create a new ego that we can live with. That we can rely on to leave in charge when we are too tired, too overwhelmed, too frustrated, unbalanced, angry, sad, or even happy. Every emotion has a way of exploding when held on too tight for too long. Even the positive ones.

Programs overrides beliefs. For example, you might know that hitting is bad, but because you were hit as a kid, your program says that you can hit smaller people no matter what because their feelings or mistakes don’t matter. It is what it is.

How to change programs?

- Identify them and see if there is unresolved trauma there. Repair it.

- Identify with what beliefs they are associated with.
- Replace negative beliefs with new, positive beliefs.
- Repeat beliefs daily as a prayer and
- Train daily to act according to your new beliefs. When you have fallen into the old belief and reacted like the person you don't want to be anymore, go into your memory and reenact the scene with your positive responses you could have made. You are actively rewiring your neurons to fire together in the new patterns you want to install. Use your memory in your benefit. And don't relive the mistake in your head as you are watering the wrong tree. That must wither. It will take a while but keep watering the new seed and it will grow stronger.
Rewriting the past into as many positive notes you can think of based on your new beliefs, as many times as you can, also rewrites your feelings. It makes the guilt smaller, and gives you confidence that you will know how to respond next time in a similar situation. If you feel bad you cannot operate on good notes. Feeling guilty will only attract new scenarios to feel guilty. Thinking on the mistake and reliving it is sending commands that you want to attract that into your life again. Close that loop now. Think only good thoughts even if you made a ton of mistakes. You will get better at this. Everything and anything is just practice on this Earth.
You got so good at thinking bag thoughts through unaware practice - now get good on being positive by training every day.

Read all the books of Joe DIspenza

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